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So it comes down to how we interpret it and how we match it up with the buttons and the actions on the controller in-game. In particular, how difficult was it to make that transition from the classic five-button layout to the new six-button guitar?Ĭoppard: I mean, the music's the same, right? The track hasn't changed. Shacknews: Walk me through the note tracking process for this song.

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We're really hoping players are going to get sucked in and have something to master with this track. Ultimately, those six buttons give us a type of extra connection to what's going on in the music. And then when you get to the crazy shredding, doing it across two rows is a whole new challenge to play. The riffs have a lot more detail when using two rows of buttons, playing slash chords and power chords. The way the intro is note tracked, where you could strum and jump in-between the two rows of buttons, it's a completely fresh challenge and that goes on through the rest of the song. That was notorious in GH3, because if you couldn't play the intro, you wouldn't even have a chance to see the rest of the song. If you've played it before, it's not going to play exactly the same. It's a completely new challenge to master. Although the song itself obviously is well-known from Guitar Hero previously, the actual gameplay within it with the note tracking is brand new and laid out for the six-button guitar. Shacknews: You've dealt with classically tough Guitar Hero songs in the past, most notably "Cult of Personality." Did your design approach change with "Through the Fire and Flames" based on any player feedback to that song or did the team's approach stay mostly the same?Ĭoppard: The approach we've taken would be the same as with "Cult of Personality." We've totally re-approached the note tracking and the gameplay within the song to best suit and make the most out of all the cool stuff that we can do with the six-button guitar controller. That, combined with the crazy high epic skill required to master it, have helped make it really popular, even to this day. Of course, it's just a great song to play, as well. It just became a real good benchmark and challenge for players with its really high difficulty.


Initially, people thought it was impossible, then you saw people start to full combo it.

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And then it went on to reach legendary status amongst the players, in terms of becoming the ultimate track to try and beat. You didn't even get to play it until you beat all the songs in Guitar Hero III. In my mind, it's the "boss" of Guitar Hero games. Nathan Coppard, Guitar Hero Live Senior Game Designer: The track itself is a huge kind of legacy of Guitar Hero, with the skill that it takes to beat it. What has that song meant to the Freestyle team, given its place in Guitar Hero history? Shacknews: It's exciting to see "Through the Fire and Flames" back in Guitar Hero. With that in mind, Shacknews briefly spoke with the game's Senior Game Designer, Nathan Coppard, to get the team's mindset, ask about the transition to six buttons, and learn more about the process of bringing "Through the Fire and Flames" to a new generation of GH players.


Getting "Through The Fire and Flames" for Guitar Hero Live is a point of pride for Freestyle, which recognizes the game's place in series history. Yes, as part of a special Shred-a-Thon marathon set to air on GHTV's third streaming channel, FreestyleGames is welcoming back Dragonforce and the notoriously difficult "Through the Fire and Flames." Kicking off today and running through Monday, February 8 at 7AM PT, the Shred-a-Thon will push players to their absolute limits, pitting players in asynchronous battle across some of the hardest songs imaginable. And when the call comes for intense, face-melting challenge, that means it's time to shine the Dragonforce symbol. If there's any Guitar Hero Live player that feels the game's tracks may be too easy, the game's developers are looking to up the challenge tenfold. Activision and FreestyleGames are done having mercy on its players.

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